Eionet national dataflow coordinator (NDFC) function
In line with Art.4 of the EEA-Eionet Regulation, the overall aim of the National Dataflow Coordination Function (NDFC) is:
To ensure a coherent and coordinated overview of collecting, collating and sharing data between the country and the EEA to respond efficiently to the needs of the agency’s work programme.
The following tasks are foreseen in the NDFC function:
- Keep national overview of timeline of dataflows recorded in ROD and handled through Reportnet to monitor the timely delivery
- Keep national overview of assigned reporters through Reportnet, and be responsible for assignment of reporters to dataflows where needed (dependent upon each dataflow reporter assignment process)
- Coordinate country consultation of the annual evaluation of the Eionet Core Dataflows and offer feedback on evaluation score at annual meeting.
- Ensure business continuity and help onboard new reporters, having a clear view of the general skills and practices that are needed to report to EEA
- Contribute to the building of data sharing capacities at national level.
Nominations of membership to the group are made by the National Focal Point (NFP). Countries nominate one representative with an optional alternate. The group is co-chaired by the EEA Data Flow Manager and a yearly rotating representative from the countries. It is expected members will have at minimum a knowledge of the reporting process and the means to access the network of institutions responsible for reporting within their country. Country nominations for the NDFC current list can be found here: https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/contacts?roleId=eionet-ndfc
NDFC forum (requires eionet login): https://forum.eionet.europa.eu/nfp-eionet/library/data-flow-coordination-function/