ETC HE Report 2023/10: Development of a 2017 baseline to monitor noise under the zero pollution objectives. Methodological document.
The aim of this work is to produce an updated 2017 dataset representing the number of people exposed to noise from road, rail, aircraft and industries that is comparable to 2022 reference year, both inside and outside Environmental Noise Directive’s (END) urban agglomerations in order to provide support to the EU Action Plan: ‘Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil’.
27 May 2024
Núria Blanes (UAB), Jaume Fons (UAB), Matthias Hintzsche (UBA), Maria José Ramos (UAB), Miquel Sáinz (UAB), Roger Milego (UAB), Eulalia Peris (EEA)
Reported data in 2017 cannot be used to monitor the noise objective under the zero pollution action plan. From 2019 countries cannot longer use their national calculation methods and have to change their calculation method to CNOSSOS-EU and adapt the method in which population and receiver points are distributed across the façade of the buildings. In order to track developments, the exposure data from 2017 needs to be made comparable to 2022, 2027 and subsequent reporting years.
The aim of this report is to present a methodology for making countries’ 2017 exposure data comparable to the newly reported exposure data.
The strategic noise maps reported for the year 2022 as well as other data on traffic, related noise factors per END noise sources, and changes in the population will be used to extrapolate back the number of people exposed to noise in 2017 in terms of Lden and Lnight. Missing exposure data from countries for the year 2022, will be gap-filled with methods described also in this report.
All noise sources follow the same workflow, which is based on the change in the population exposure due to demographic factors, transport data, and noise abatement measures of relevance between the 2017-2022 period.