ETC/CE Report 3/2022 Electronic registries for waste across Europe
28 Sep 2022
Jessica Tuscano, Chiara Bonomi, Carlo Piscitello, Fabio Tatti, Shane Colgan, Marianne Magnus-Melgar, Arlind Xhelili
Digital platforms are increasingly used to establish electronic registers for monitoring and reporting purposes across many sectors. This project examined the use of electronic registries for management and assessment of waste data. Through consultation with national authorities in Eionet member countries, the project gathered information on the use of these approaches to track waste generation, management, and disposal. The core task for this project was the conduct of a survey to gather information on the implementation of electronic registers for waste data, the experiences of system users, and the added-value and challenges for managing authorities. 31 of the 38 Eionet member countries completed by the survey, and it was found that 26 of the 31 respondents are currently using an electronic registry for managing waste data. From an EU point of view, it was found that 22 of the 24 of the respondent member states use an electronic registry to manage their waste data. Challenges identified by system owners were mostly associated with difficulties in ensuring on-time submission of data and compliance with data quality requirements. The project also explored benefits from the introduction of electronic registries which were reported to include: reduced administrative overheads; increased reporting rates; and improvements in the timing and delivery of reporting.