ETC/ATNI Report 19/2021: Interim European air quality maps for 2020. PM10, NO2 and ozone spatial estimates based on non-validated UTD data.
This report presents European interim air quality maps for 2020 based on non-validated up-to-date (UTD) measurement data and CAMS Ensemble Forecast modelling.
29 Mar 2022
Jan Horálek, Markéta Schreiberová, Leona Vlasáková, Paul Hamer, Philipp Schneider, Jana Marková, Alberto González Ortiz
Prepared by:
Jan Horálek (CHMI), Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI), Leona Vlasáková (CHMI), Paul Hamer (NILU), Philipp Schneider (NILU), Jana Marková (CHMI)
The report provides interim 2020 maps for PM10 annual average, NO2 annual average and the ozone indicator SOMO35. The maps have been produced based on non-validated Up-To-Date data reported to the AQ e-reporting database (data flow E2a), the CAMS Ensemble Forecast modelling data and other supplementary data including air quality data reported to EMEP. In addition to concentration maps, the inter-annual differences between the years 2019 and 2020 are presented (using the 2019 regular and the 2020 interim maps), as well as European exposure estimates based on the interim maps. The contribution of lockdown measures connected with the Covid-19 pandemic on the change of air pollutant concentrations during the exceptional year 2020 is briefly discussed.
The decrease in road transport, aviation and international shipping intensity during the lockdown resulted in a reduction of the NOx emission, mainly in large cities and urbanized areas. Compared to 2019, a general decrease in NO2 annual average concentrations is shown for 2020, as well as a decrease in values of the ozone indicator SOMO35, apart from areas with a steep NO2 decrease. Due to the chemical processes, the decrease in NOX resulted in an ozone increase in these areas.
The contribution of lockdown measures on the change of PM10 concentrations is quite complex. On the one hand, there was a decrease in emissions of suspended particles and their precursors due to decrease in transport. On the other hand, higher intensity of residential heating likely led to higher emissions of both suspended particles and their precursors.