ETC/ATNI Report 11/2019: Links to Copernicus data and services. Status and recommendations.
This report provides recommendations to enhance and make better use of Copernicus information in EEA activities related to air pollution, industrial sources, transport and noise.
04 May 2022
Leonor Tarrasón, Philipp Schneider, Paul Hamer, Kerstin Stebel, Laurence Rouïl, Augustin Colette, Jaume Fons Estéve, Anke Lükewille, Alberto Gonzalez Ortiz
Prepared by:
Leonor Tarrasón, Philipp Schneider, Paul Hamer, Kerstin Stebel (NILU) Laurence Rouïl (INERIS), Augustin Colette (INERIS), Jaume Fons Estéve (UAB)
This report presents available Copernicus data from both its satellite and service component. It contains a comprehensive overview of the status of use of Copernicus data and products in the work of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and provides recommendations to make better use of Copernicus information focusing on the activities of the European Topic Centre for Air pollution, Transport, Noise, and Industry pollution (ETC/ATNI)
Specific recommended activities to make better use of Copernicus data involve mapping and emission activities at ETC/ATNI, trend analysis, noise, and air quality assessments as well as the development of on-line air quality services and the implementation of urban sustainability studies.