ETC/ATNI Report 15/2021: Integrated assessment of noise and air quality in European cities. Methodology.
This report summarises the methodology to derive a classification matrix based on noise and air quality data at grid level inside cities representing health risks: premature deaths for air pollution and annoyance for noise.
17 Mar 2022
Eulàlia Peris, Evrim Doğan Öztürk, Artur Gsella, Núria Blanes, Miquel Sáinz de la Maza, Francisco Domingues, Joana Soares, Cristina Guerreiro, Jan Horálek
Prepared by:
Eulàlia Peris, Evrim Doğan Öztürk, Artur Gsella (EEA)
Núria Blanes, Miquel Sáinz de la Maza, Francisco Domingues (UAB)
Joana Soares, Cristina Guerreiro (NILU)
Jan Horálek (CHMI)
The resulting index provides spatial information on the areas most affected combining noise and air pollution across European urban areas. This information can build on and contribute to the EEA’s integrated assessments and it is going to be used to disseminate information on the European environment to policy makers and to European citizens.